Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Peaceful, Easy Feeling

This morning it was nice and sunny and cool-ish out. I feel invigorated. I want to get outside and exercise. I want to run, play tennis, walk through the neighborhood. As soon as I start to feel a hint of fall, I feel a spring in my step.

I love the cool weather. I love fall fashion, and the smell of the air. I love the darkness arriving earlier. I love the crackle of fallen leaves underfoot. I love Halloween and Thanksgiving. This morning's cool breeze reminds me that the holidays are just around the corner. As a kid, I loved "Back to School" time. Crisp notebooks, new clothes. I loved hunting season, too. That meant my father would walk into the house after dusk, smelling of the woods and the cold air, all camo'd out, happy just to have been out there hunting regardless of whether he got anything or not. Our home smelled like baking.

I want to go apple picking and carve pumpkins. Wear big sweaters with jeans and boots. Suede jackets and wool hats. Perhaps the time of year when you were born is the time of year that makes us happiest? I was a November baby. Sometimes my birthday falls on Thanskgiving. The best time of year.


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