Friday, October 13, 2006

You Are So Annoying

All my faithful readers know how much I can get annoyed by stupid human behavior. Yes, I am the person who gets frustrated when the people in front of me are walking too slowly. Or by a pack of teenagers hooting and hollering in a cramped subway so that everyone will turn and look at them, so desperate for attention. But you'll be happy to know that the rest of humanity aren't my only targets for annoyance... I even annoy myself!

Sometimes, it's the tone of my voice. Or I will do something that exactly mimics the behavior of my mother which, yes you guessed it, I find annoying. I'll argue a point that I don't believe strongly in just to prove a different point with my mother-in-law. Why can't I just be nice? Annoying. And when I'm drunk... oh, forget it. I can barely stand to be around myself. The quiet girl that I normally am turns into a raucous, talkative, funny only to myself alcoholic. Sometimes my sensitivity really gets on my nerves. Or the times when I make really dumb mistakes at work, over and over again. I can be a total airhead. I can be a real bitch. There are times when my mere outfit choice makes me annoyed at myself.

So when I turned to my hubby the other night, when PMS was raging and I was at the end of my rope, and asked him if he ever just gets annoyed with himself, I didn't mean to be insensitive. I was really curious if he could relate to the way I feel, sometimes, about him, about the rest of the world and about me, too.


Blogger ButterSnatch said...

ButterSnatch is annoyed by this post... (kidding;-)

i hear ya. i'm so much like my father, it kills me. i always promised myself i'd do things completely different than my dad, and never turn out like him. what happens? we are mirror images of each other. ANNOYING!

but since it turns out that he's a really nice man (i just couldn't see the forest for the trees in my younger years), i guess it's not so bad.

still annoying as crap, but acceptably so.

11:00 AM  
Blogger afuntanilla said...

well, what did he say??

1:16 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

He kind of gave me that look, like "you are really something"... a mix between complete awe and absolute disbelief. And then he avoided the question.

1:21 PM  
Blogger The Snarkess said...

Oh, I can't STAND myself at times. Especially when I've had a few too many martinis. It's like I float out of my body, look down at myself babbling to a total stranger thinking I'm being witty or charming when I'm probably being completely idiotic and way too open, and think, "just PLEASE shut the hell up, grab your coat from coat check, as if they've seen your dignity, and get the HELL HOME."

But no, usually that's when I order another cocktail and think, well hell, maybe I AM ready to hit the dance floor.


Great post, by the way!

2:09 PM  

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