Monday, November 20, 2006

Things That Are Hard Today

1. Buying holiday gifts for the children of friends. I like to get something kind of cool, hip, that the kids will like. But if something is cool and hip then most likely every child has it. Clothes are always easy, I guess, but kids grow so fast and clothes are more for the parents than the kids anyway. Most of my friends with children don't live nearby so I won't know if they end up regifting my gift because they already have it but for some reason I get stressed trying to figure out what I should get for these children who don't even know who I am anyway!

2. Remembering passwords. I have so many online accounts, servers, email, logins, that it is impossible for me to keep track. I have services that require me to change my password every three months and it can't be the same one that I've used before and it must be a certain length and use a certian amount of numbers and letters. I only have so many variations. It is ridiculous. All logins should be the same... something that nobody else but us could figure out, like our Social, our mother's maiden name, the name of our first grade teacher and a word that you like that nobody else knows you like. The amount of times I have to have my password emailed to me is just out of control. And that usually means that I have to then assign myself a new password. So annoying.

3. Junk email. Now that the holidays are near, every store known to man has an email for me. Even when I designate it junk, it still pops back into my inbox. Tricky bastards.

4. The crowds around Macy's from November through January. I can't even get a salad without being jammed hard by somebody's elbow or plowed over by their gigantic shopping bags. It's the worst place to work during the holidays. I usually just get Macy's Rage when I enter the store, but now it's trickled onto the sidewalks. I just want a salad, for crying out loud!!!


Blogger Chris said...

1. Cash is everyone's friend.

2. We could move to the fingerprint ID system, but then I'd be afraid that a criminal would cut off a finger rather than take my cash.

3. Don't even get me started on this and postal junk mail.

4. The amount people suck is exponentially increased with the size of the crowd. Save yourself some bruises, shop via web browser (which results in more spam and remembering one more password).

And just like that, I pulled them all together in the end.

2:36 PM  

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